Friday, June 20

I love my friends more than ever when I'm down and fucking out.

(spelling and grammar have been corrected to make us look wise beyond our years.)

me: I'm cranky as shit and just wrote a pretend letter to my old boss
Casey: I do that all the time
me: I want to send it!
Casey: I write emails on MS word then don't send them cuz I'm a pussy
me: "Dear Tracy, thanks for firing me and refusing my unemployment, therefore guaranteeing that you were ruining my life. I'm not sure if you've heard, but this is the worst job market since 1981. I have resorted to selling my own furniture to pay rent. Thanks for the opportunity for me to see what it feels like to really have nothing. It makes me grateful to not be as greedy as you. but back to the point at hand. Thank you for not giving me a chance to defend myself in a situation where i was a deer in headlights. and thanks for generally ruining my life. I hear karma's a bitch, you might want to make sure you stay on the sidewalks for a while."
Casey: that is the sweetest email ever, but I would advise against sending it, because, karma has a way of rewarding the good people and that might score some bad points
me: i have also contemplated robbing her
me: or banging her boyfriend
Casey: fuck the asswipes that don't give a shit about others, and you need to concentrate on you Casey: I mean the world I'm drunk
me: haha I've got $7
me: and negative $280 in the bank
Casey: hey I'm really excited that you are coming to visit btw I think we got lots to discuss, I too am a slacker retard that is way better then corporate world chooses to see
me: we should start a company
me: but I need to sell my bed in order to visit
Casey: actually that is what I'm planning to do
me: doing what?
Casey: start my own company
Casey: production
me: hmmm i will come move in and bring floof and jammy
Casey: I would welcome you with open arms you got 400 bucks a month if so you are in like flynn
me: hahaha i have $7.
me: im also running from the repo man
Casey: close enough, we can make this work
me: not really a "desirable" tenant

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