Monday, August 7

a reason to start something new...

"It's amazing what a blog can make your life seem like. There's so much stuff people do in a year that they totally forget, but I think would be proud to remember. You have one? "

An old acquaintance of mine tossed this thought at me today, and it made me realize all of my weblogs were either no longer accessible (changing a password is always a great idea at the time, isn't it?) or totally compiled of bitter angry entries, left up to remind me to stay defensive and jaded against the rest of the world. So why not start a nice fresh pretty blog that anyone can find (if they know how). I will make a darned good attempt to post daily, or close to it, and sadly I expect the basis of it to be which movies I am watching to go to sleep, and what I wish I was eating for dinner.

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