Monday, October 23

moving beyond the binge drinking.

lots of things on my mind.

-salad spritzer. How lazy are we? We can't measure with a spoon, we have to SPRAY our dressing on?
-I really shouldn't go out and drink with disregard for my body. Good vodka and cheap beer are a sad sad mix, especially when I'm crawling to the bathroom at 5am. Even worse is when I feign interest in a person and then thy in turn think I'm infatuated. No, sir, I'm drunk. There is a big difference.
-Floof loves sitting on my new record player. She's a little teapot, short and stout...
-I start two new classes tomorrow. What the fuck was I thinking with this one? Three classes and full time work. I don't know how, but I need to somehow survive this and keep my GPA above 3.6 or I will be very disappointed in myself.
-I got my halloween costume all lined up and ready to bust out on Friday. Hopefully Saturday and Sunday too, if i can find places to wear it.
-I never thought that I was a size whore, but I am. Whoops.
-My newest fun thing is making drinking games out of television shows. Phil of the Future, How I Met Your Mother, New Adventures of Old Christine...watching for little things and being wasted by ten thirty is the best way to live life. The cat doesn't mind, now that the heat has been turned on in my building she is finally done crying to me about life.
-Sometimes I spend so much time worrying about everyone else, I forget to worry about myself.

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