Monday, June 4

random observations.

-All boys cheat. Really, I promise. All of them. James Garvey is the only one that I can think of who never has. Maybe the fact that I'm friends with guys and they seem comfortable enough to give me the play-by-plays of their sex life makes me a little more aware of this than other girls? If I try to bring it up to other girls I know, they will either:

a. say that I am a bitter jaded old cat lady

b. turn angry, defensive and say I'm lying or

c. get sad and realize they've been cheated on

-Why does facebook need to let me know when people are broken up by notifying the entire public with a little picture of a broken heart? What a bum out.

-I'm having one of those downhill moments in life when I become astoundingly disappointed in people that I consider my friends. When the phrase "I expect that sort of behaviour from xxxx, not you" dances through my mind over and over again, it's time to start hanging out solo.

-Is there an easy way to tell if a lobster is male or female? I hate referring to them as "it".

-New sofa tomorrow. Floof is very excited. She has been saying goodbye to the bit of carpet that she will no longer have access to...

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