Wednesday, August 12

The (presumably) grody adventure of the (soon-to-be-launched) cleanse - PREFACE

As most of you may know, I've lost an assload of weight over the last year- literally. Unfortunately, as many people do, I plateaued after losing a little over 40 lbs. After trying not to dwell on this, I decided to take some action. I did some reading and investigating and decided to try out a cleanse/detox Gwyneth Paltrow does a few times a year. I like this program because 1. it only lasts a week and 2. I can actually EAT while on the program. (check it out here ).

My game plan is to buy all the required ingredients Friday PM, start the concoctions that night and Saturday AM that the ball rolling. Along with the GOOP plan, I will be replacing her suggested herbal tea with Arbonne Detox tea and adding 32oz of Arbonne's 7-day detox drops to my daily water consumption. So far here are my observations:

-This seems like an expensive endeavor. By my calculations, I will be spending $120 on food, $30 on whey protein and ProGreens (blecch!) and $40 to get a juicer. However, I have become quite thrifty in my meal planning ways, so $190 may be the norm for a week's groceries for most people. It averages out to $9.05 a meal.

-Over 40 ingredients. I know it says "cleanse", but come on, Gwyn! Luckily I have a complete schedule for hour-by-hour meals, drinks, etc. so I will be able to (hopefully) prepare things the night before.

-Any time I mention "cleanse" to someone, they instantly want to know when I expect my bowels to give out. Hopefully this won't be too err...messy, but only time will tell.

I plan on blogging on my daily menus, progress, weight loss, health and general well-being feeling. Hopefully I last the full week, ending on Friday night!

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